Greenhaus first gay bar phoenix

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Nothing is too much for the Greenhouse Loft. Having previously worked with an eclectic mix of clients including bat mitzvahs, birthdays, sweet sixteens, live music, art and photography shoots, and fashion shows, the loft is clearly capable of hosting any special event.

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The loft space can hold up to 200 guests and is flexible in a variety of different layout designs. The Greenhouse is very versatile and enjoys working with couples and clients to create incredible wedding spaces. With massive industrial windows covering white brick walls, the loft is illuminated in the day, giving it a truly unique look. 20 years later an interest increasingly grew to create a truly artistic and beautiful space. Originally functioning as a sewing factory and retail clothes shop, the building dwindled towards the later 1980s along with the sewing manufacturing industry. This industrial brick building was first constructed in the early 1900s.

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This multifunction rental venue can be used for small and larger sized events such as wedding receptions, ceremonies, rehearsal dinners, engagement parties, bridal showers, and more. The Greenhouse Loft is a wedding venue rental located in Highland Park, New Jersey.

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